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September 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family, As we continue serving here in Paraguay, we are always thankful for each person who takes the time to support us with their prayers.  It is why these missionary updates are known as prayer letters.  We know that the work needs the prayers of...

July 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family, Greetings from sunny Paraguay.  We are entering winter here; however, the temperatures do not reflect it.  We did have a brief cold spell, but it has been in the high 80’s this last week. At the end of May, a young lady and her brother from...

February 2023 Prayer Letter

February 2023 Prayer Letter Dear Friends and Family, Greetings from sunny Paraguay. We trust that each of you are doing well as you serve the Lord in this new year He has given us. We had a wonderful yet very busy time back in Florida at the end of December/beginning...

December 2022 Prayer Letter

December 2022 Prayer Letter Dear Friends and Family, It is hard to believe we are at the close of 2022. The weeks are moving so quickly! Although technically still spring here (for two more weeks), the weather has decided it is the middle of summer. Many of the stores...

October 2022 Prayer Letter

October 2022 Prayer Letter Dear Friends and Family, As we write this letter, we are currently in Pensacola, Florida. In early September, we received a call that Jim’s mom (Nancy) had been hospitalized and would be undergoing open heart surgery. Jim flew to be with his...

June 2022 Prayer Letter

June 2022 Prayer Letter Dear Friends and Family, We are excited at what the Lord is doing here and want to give Him all the praise. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. Everything that happens in our ministry is fruit to your account. We had a wonderful...

April 2022 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family, Greetings from rainy Paraguay.  We have entered fall, and rain is forecasted for the next 10 days.  Rain can make life challenging due to many roof leaks and dangerous road conditions; however, after an extended drought, the rain is so needed....

February 2022 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family, We praise our God upon every remembrance of you.  Your prayers on our behalf are crucial.  Please do not stop praying for the Showers family and our ministry. We were hopeful that we would be able to report in this letter that we had found a...

December 2021 Prayer Letter

Dear friends and family, With a focus on Thanksgiving, we echo the words of Paul in Ephesians 1:15-16 when he said, “Wherefore I also … cease not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers.”  We are so thankful for each of you as you support us with...