Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings from sunny Paraguay. We are entering winter here; however, the temperatures do not reflect it. We did have a brief cold spell, but it has been in the high 80’s this last week.
At the end of May, a young lady and her brother from our home church came for a visit. They are both college students and wanted to participate in a mission trip. It was a blessing to have them here. The day they arrived we held our first church youth outreach activity. We passed out 100 invitations to teenagers who attend school two blocks from the church. There were close to 100 people that Saturday between our church people, 30 from Pastor Alfredo’s church and 40-50 neighborhood teens and adults. The young people enjoyed playing soccer, volleyball, and handball. A clear gospel message was given by one of our young men who is in Bible College here. We are continuing this activity every two weeks. Please pray that we might see individuals come to know Christ as Savior as a result.
The young lady from our home church was able to stay longer than her brother. As a result, her parents asked if Kari would be her travel companion to return to Pensacola. Kari was able to fly with Olivia to Orlando and then drive them to Pensacola. We praise the Lord for His safety during this trip. It provided a wonderful opportunity for Kari to spend time with Matthew, her dad, and sisters, as well as see friends in the Pensacola area. While Kari was in the US, Matthew learned that he was accepted into a 15-week school to train as an electrical lineman. He is on a waiting list for the August 31st class (with guaranteed entrance in January). The school is just south of Chattanooga, TN. Please pray for Matthew as he prepares for this next step in his young adult life.
Please continue to pray for our small church body. We are growing as a family in Christ more and more. It is our desire that God be glorified through our efforts as a church to minister to the Saints and preach Christ to the lost.
Your Missionaries,
Jim and Kari Showers
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