December 2024 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

As this year comes to a close, we would like to wish each of you a Merry Christmas.  We would also like to express our gratitude once again for your faithful prayers and support for our family and ministry.

We are excited to have a special Christmas service this coming Sunday with our church family.  We have a new family that has been attending for the last few weeks.  It is rare for us to have visitors come that were not personally invited by someone else in the church.  However, this family drove by our church which is not on a street they normally are on.  Their six-year-old son had been asking them repeatedly to go to church.  It is precious to see how God used the insistence of a young child to bring them in.  It was also neat to learn that the wife was dear friends over 20 years ago with the daughter of one of our couples but had lost contact with her.  It really is a small world.

A few weeks ago, some missionary friends traveled over three hours to bring a group of young people to the capital for a few days.  While they were in town, they came to our Saturday youth meeting.  We also had several first-time visitors brought by some of our own youth.  It was exciting to have close to 35 in attendance.  Jim preached a message in answer to a question posed by a young lady a few months ago: “What is the difference between the catholic church and an evangelical church?”  Please continue to pray for the salvation of the young people who come to this important outreach.

On a personal note, Kari has been facing some health challenges over the last month or so.  If you receive our prayer letter via email, you would have received a special email last week asking for prayer as she had undergone a medical procedure which included a biopsy.  She struggled initially with the “what ifs”, but the Lord graciously gave peace.  We are thankful to be able to write that the biopsy came back with no signs of cancer.  She had a follow up with her doctor yesterday and was started on some medicine to hopefully treat the problem.  In six months, there will be a follow up test and office visit.  Thank you so much for the many who prayed for her.  We would appreciate continued prayers for her health.


Your Missionaries,

Jim and Kari Showers