February 2025 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings from summer in Paraguay.  While we were experiencing being in the hottest region of the world (at that time) recently, we jealously watched a record snowfall occur in our hometown of Pensacola, Florida.  Our girls were a tad jealous.

At one of our recent youth meetings, the church member who preached spoke about Daniel and his three Hebrew friends.  David spoke against idols in his message.  One of Sophia’s close friends from her dance class had come for the first time.  She went home and looked up the passage in her Catholic Bible and saw for herself that what he had preached was true.  She then questioned her mom as to why they had idols as Catholics if the Bible spoke against them.  Her mom was very upset and threatened to end the friendship with Sophia.  Thankfully, her grandma spoke up and was able to smooth things over.  We are thrilled that God’s word revealed truth to this young lady and that a veil is being removed from her eyes.  Please pray for Deyzela’s salvation, as well as the salvation of her mom and grandma.

Some of our church members have been bringing unsaved family members on a regular basis to our Sunday morning services.  It is a delight to see that burden and is our heart’s prayer that these family members would soon come to know Christ.  We do appreciate your prayers for not only people to be saved, but also to grow as true disciples of Jesus Christ.  Jim is currently preaching through the book of Acts. What a great reminder that it is our responsibility to share the gospel and God’s work to give fruit and grow the church.

Your Missionaries,

Jim and Kari Showers