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September 2021 Prayer Letter

September 2021 Prayer Letter   Dear Friends and Family, Allow me to begin by thanking you for your faithful prayers and support on our behalf. We have seen God work in our lives and ministry and are daily reminded of your faithfulness. We know that we cannot do...

February 2021 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family, We are thrilled to be able to report that we made it back to Paraguay with very little difficulty! We spent a few days in Orlando having a great time as a family before heading to the airport to begin our 20-hour transit home. We were blessed...

August 2019 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family, Greetings from chilly Paraguay.  It is beginning to feel a lot like winter with the occasional low temp in the 30’s recently.  We are so thankful for each of you who take the time to read our prayer letters and pray for our family and...

November 2018

Dear Friends and Family,   We are thankful to each of you for your faithful prayers and financial support on our behalf.  As we strive to serve the Lord faithfully here in Paraguay, we recognize that we cannot do it without you holding the ropes for us.  As Paul...

June 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,   We are thankful for every day the Lord gives us in this ministry! We have had a busy and eventful spring with much to report. Shortly after our last prayer letter, I (Jim) received a call that my mom had had a stroke and was in the...

August 2018 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family, Greetings from chilly Paraguay.  We are enjoying winter since we are below the equator, with our daytime temps ranging anywhere from 50’s-80’s.  The cooler days have exceeded the warmer ones and it is a nice break from the scorching summer...

March 2018 Prayer Letter

March 2018 Prayer Letter Dear Friends and Family,   We’re thankful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for a wonderful start to the New Year. Last month we celebrated having been here in Paraguay for a full year already; time really does fly by when you are...

April 2016 Prayer Letter

It has been just over two months since our last prayer letter.  We are so thankful for the goodness of God in our lives and in our meetings.  February was an unusually slow month with only two meetings; however, the month of March and April have been quite busy.  At...

February Prayer Letter

Much has happened in the last month, and we are excited to share of the goodness of God in our lives and ministry.  We had ten meetings in the month of January, including visiting and updating one of our earliest supporting churches.  It is not common to be able to...

January 2016 Prayer Letter

It is amazing to think that we completed one full year of deputation at the end of December. After two great meetings at the beginning of December in Arkansas and Mississippi, we returned to Pensacola, where we celebrated Christmas with our family. Thanks to a...