February 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings from sunny Paraguay. We trust that each of you are doing well as you serve the Lord in this new year He has given us.

We had a wonderful yet very busy time back in Florida at the end of December/beginning of January. It was wonderful to spend time with Matthew and see how he continues to grow in his own walk with the Lord. He stays busy with his job, and is also taking classes in our church’s Bible Institute this semester. The work on our home in Pensacola has been completed, and we are praying the Lord will provide a good renter for it.

This past Saturday we were able to go out as a church group to a new neighborhood. Some passed out tracts and invited people to church, while four of us visited in the home of a new family that has just started attending. Both Jim and Kari were able to share their testimonies of salvation as well as the gospel.
It is obvious that some of this family have not trusted Christ for salvation. Please pray that Dominga’s family will continue to come to church, and that the Holy Spirit will do the work of convicting them of their need for a Savior. Kari and Norma (a lady in our church) would like to begin a Bible study in Dominga’s home. Please pray for this endeavor.

In our last prayer letter, we mentioned a young lady by the name of Viviana. She has not been able to attend church in several weeks as her parents are not allowing her to come. She has reached out to Kari and recognizes her need for continued spiritual growth. Kari has offered to do a Bible study with her via video if an in-person study is not possible. Please pray for this young lady and especially for her parents hearts to soften.

Recently, Kari’s dad (who is widowed) was hospitalized. It was determined that he suffered a large stroke to the cerebelleum region of his brain. We praise the Lord that he did not suffer any deficits in motor function or speech. It did affect his equilibrium, but he says he is doing ok most days. We share this so that you can pray for him, and so that you know how to better pray for your missionaries. Being so far away from our family members, especially aging parents, can be so challenging. We truly are grateful for the prayers on our behalf. Our ministry here is not possible without them.

Your Missionaries,
Jim and Kari Showers