September 2021 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
Allow me to begin by thanking you for your faithful prayers and support on our behalf. We have seen God work in our lives and ministry and are daily reminded of your faithfulness. We know that we cannot do what we do without you.
As we have been looking for a good rental property to begin our new church work, I have been given the opportunity to preach in a couple of churches that have no pastor. These are former missionary works that have been nationalized but now have to make-do with pulpit-fill preachers until they call a new pastor. The pandemic has hit these struggling works very hard. I have been so encouraged by this new opportunity, and our desire is to do much more for one of these churches than Sunday morning services only. We have prayed for opportunities to preach and teach, and for me to grow in my ministry abilities in Spanish. We serve a mighty, prayer-answering God. I also preach regularly at the church in Villa Elisa.
Our national church base, Iglesia Bautista La Fortaleza, has flourished and our church plant in the city of Caaguazú (“Ka-ah-gwa-soo”) is growing and maturing. You may recall that we have had a part in two church plants here in Paraguay. Since our field return, we have shifted our focus to Iglesia Bautista El Arca (Ark Baptist Church) in Caaguazú, and last month they had their first ever Sunday morning service. We also have a man that has answered God’s call to assume that pastorate. Higinio Romero will move his family there later this year to begin full-time ministry. As for now, Higinio continues to commute 3.5 hours (each way) twice per week for their services. I wish this letter allowed me the space to describe the faithfulness, steps of surrender, and answers to prayer that we have seen in Higinio’s family and in Iglesia Bautista La Fortaleza that have gotten them to this point. We (La Fortaleza) have purchased land for a new building in Caaguazú and begun construction on a large “tinglado” (open-air, steel structure with an insulated panel roof). The church will fill-in the walls and complete the building as the Lord allows, but for now, they are off to an incredible start! We are eternally grateful to our sending church, Victory Baptist Church, for the funds to build the tinglado.
Kari’s Bible study in the town of San Lorenzo is also flourishing. She has been asked to add another weekly study in the town of Villeta, and we praise the Lord for these open doors. I often say that her ministries to ladies and children are our ministry’s biggest strength. Our children are also thriving; praise the Lord! Matthew lives on our home-church’s property in Florida, and our pastor tells us that he is involved in everything. Amelia helps with Kari’s children’s ministries and enjoys artistic activities. Sophia keeps us entertained on a daily basis and is our most generous child, always looking for ways to give to her friends and individuals at church.
Your Missionaries to Paraguay,
Jim and Kari Showers

The tinglado is going up in Caaguazu.

Jim preaching at Iglesia Bautista Buenas Nuevas (Good News Baptist Church).
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