March 2018 Prayer Letter
Dear Friends and Family,
We’re thankful to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for a wonderful start to the New Year. Last month we celebrated having been here in Paraguay for a full year already; time really does fly by when you are having fun. We have seen answers to prayer all along the way and rejoice in God’s goodness towards us.
In December, the Emmanuel Rodriguez family arrived to Asuncion as veteran missionaries, having previously served in Puerto Rico. We are excited to be partnering together. In January, the Bible Institute started a full schedule with six classes being offered. We meet on Monday and Friday evenings. Nearly forty men and teenage boys are attending and almost half have expressed that they believe God would have them be preachers.
My (Jim) Spanish is getting better every day and I am so much more comfortable in a conversation with our people. I look forward to more growth in this area, but no longer fear that I won’t “get it.” What a blessing it was to begin teaching a New-Believers discipleship class in the Bible Institute! I have 13 students (who’ve all been saved under 1 year) and am thrilled to say that the testimonies and lessons in the class revealed the truth of salvation in Christ alone to one of the class members, a young man named Jose. He came to me after the lesson last week and told me that he wasn’t really saved but had realized that he needed Christ. Now, “there’s a new name written down in glory!” Please pray for these men and boys as they grow in knowledge and understanding of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Kari has stayed busy with our home and children, but also makes time for a book-study with the ladies of the churches, playing the piano in church, teaching children’s Sunday School, and a New-believers discipleship study with two ladies.
Our car has been in the shop for two weeks due to a blown head gasket. We are hoping it is finished soon, as we have really missed being able to give people rides to church. We are learning that things take so much longer to do here in Paraguay. It really is a different way of life and we are trying to “go with the flow” in that regard.
For the last several months, I’ve been battling some health issues which worsened a few weeks ago. I’ve had numerous tests as a result. An x-ray of my neck revealed a significant narrowing in the space between C5 and C6; therefore, our doctor ordered an MRI of my neck. I will see a neurosurgeon on Friday. We do appreciate your prayers for this matter.
We are excited to announce the children and I have received our permanent residency. Kari’s paperwork has been held up due to a change in immigration director which requires a new signature. We are hoping to have hers very soon. So many of you have prayed for this ongoing residency process, and we are so thankful. To God be the Glory. Great things HE hath done.
Your Missionaries to Paraguay,
Jim and Kari Showers

Victor (man in yellow) is one of our church members. We visited his neighborhood after some flooding. Kari was able to witness to his unsaved wife, Patricia. Please pray for her heart to be softened to the Gospel.

Jim witnessed to one of Victor’s neighbors who is dying from cancer. She is scared to die, but refused to admit she needs a Savior. It was heartbreaking to see.
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