Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings from chilly Paraguay. We are enjoying winter since we are below the equator, with our daytime temps ranging anywhere from 50’s-80’s. The cooler days have exceeded the warmer ones and it is a nice break from the scorching summer days.
The Bible Institute students are currently enjoying a two month break, but that does not mean that we aren’t busy. The work planted in the town of Arroyos y Esteros is now named Iglesia Bautista Agua Viva (Living Water Baptist Church). It is a fitting name since Arroyos y Esteros means streams and estuaries. We have rented a building and are meeting weekly. We have found a building in Caaguazu and will be renting it soon. Please continue to pray that these works will grow and that the Lord will call men from the Bible Institute to be the pastors.
A few weeks ago we had the opportunity to travel to Coronel Oviedo (3.5 hours away). This is the home town of two cousins in the church in Villeta that we have gone to on several occasions. Sara had been asking us to come to hold a church service and spend the night in her “vacation” home. She went out a few days ahead of time to invite people. We held the service with 40 people from that area. The Lord worked and several responded to the invitation given for salvation. The people asked when we would be returning to hold church again. To our knowledge there are only two churches in the area: Catholic and Pentecostal. The need is great throughout this country. And the laborers are few. Please pray that the Lord will send more missionaries to Paraguay.
I (Jim) have been preaching through the book of John during Sunday school each week in Villa Elisa. It has been a great way to expand my Spanish. Kari has been staying busy with children’s classes and weekly ladies Bible studies, as well as other opportunities as they arise.
Since our last letter we were able to pick up our cedulas (Police ID) and obtain our Paraguayan driver’s licenses. That was an interesting process as there is a written and practical test but no way to prepare for them (ie. No website, book, or prep course) given by the municipal government. Thankfully, we were able to acquire them and don’t have to worry about renewing them for five more years. And this is the completion of the paperwork we have been working on since we arrived last January.
On a personal note, Kari’s dad retired a couple of weeks ago. We are eagerly awaiting his arrival next month. He will be staying with us for three months. Having family come is a blessing that we know many missionaries do not get to experience, and we are so grateful.
We also continue to be so thankful for your faithful prayer and financial support. Thank you for holding the ropes for us so that we can stay on the mission field.
Your Missionaries to Paraguay,
Jim and Kari Showers
Bible Study with Zuni
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