April 2016 Prayer Letter

It has been just over two months since our last prayer letter.  We are so thankful for the goodness of God in our lives and in our meetings.  February was an unusually slow month with only two meetings; however, the month of March and April have been quite busy.  At...

February Prayer Letter

Much has happened in the last month, and we are excited to share of the goodness of God in our lives and ministry.  We had ten meetings in the month of January, including visiting and updating one of our earliest supporting churches.  It is not common to be able to...

January 2016 Prayer Letter

It is amazing to think that we completed one full year of deputation at the end of December. After two great meetings at the beginning of December in Arkansas and Mississippi, we returned to Pensacola, where we celebrated Christmas with our family. Thanks to a...

Our year is winding down

We are currently at a missions conference at River Hill Baptist Church in Fulton, MS. What a great time we have had so far making new friends and hearing the preaching of God’s Word. This is our 78th meeting so far. We leave here Saturday for our final meeting...

November Newsletter

The month of October brought many blessings and challenges.  At the close of our last newsletter, we mentioned that Kari was going to fly back to Pensacola to spend time with her mom.  She arrived late Monday evening, October 5th.  She was able to spend Tuesday with...