The month of October brought many blessings and challenges.  At the close of our last newsletter, we mentioned that Kari was going to fly back to Pensacola to spend time with her mom.  She arrived late Monday evening, October 5th.  She was able to spend Tuesday with her mom and dad.  On Wednesday, the Lord chose to take Linda Kelley to Glory!  While we grieve for our loss, we rejoice to know that she was completely healed and now is able to worship at our Savior’s throne.  Jim and the kids traveled from Houston to Pensacola for the memorial service and burial.  It was a special time to celebrate the life of one who had faithfully served our Lord.  We returned to Houston on Tuesday the 12th to be part of a missions conference that was already in session.

We have had the privilege of being in three missions conferences in the last month.  Each one was a blessing as we heard great preaching, met so many believers with a heart for local and worldwide missions, and fellowshipped with many other missionary families.  Our children especially enjoyed getting to know some other missionary children and playing with them multiple times.  Meeting other children as we travel is a highlight for our three, but so often it is only for one service.  They have become comfortable with saying many goodbyes.

Recently someone jokingly reminded us that we are on deputation and therefore should not be having so much fun J.  However, the truth is that we have been having a great time as we present our burden for the people of Paraguay.  God has been so faithful and we have learned to live by faith in a way we never knew before deputation.  One of the great joys has also been in seeing family and friends across the country that we otherwise would not get to see.  Last weekend was one such occasion.  On three separate occasions during Kari’s childhood, her family lived in the Rio Grande Valley on the Texan border of Mexico.  She had not returned to the area in seventeen years.  Because the Lord provided a meeting at the church where Kari’s parents were members during Kari’s college years, she was able to see friends she has known since she was six.  While we were there, we did have to replace two tires on our truck.  While this was an unexpected expense as truck tires are NOT cheap, we are so thankful for the Lord’s protection in allowing the problem to surface while in a town and not on the interstate while towing our camper.

We do praise the Lord for four new churches/individuals who have decided to financially partner with us.  Our current known support level is just over 64% (some of the new supporter amounts are not yet known).  We have been praying specifically that the Lord would increase our support level to 80% by the time we return to Pensacola in December.  It is only by God’s grace that we have any support for we know that it all comes from His hand.  Would you please join us in praying for this specific request?

The new church in Villa Elisa is in its final stages of construction.  The roof is finished and the interior is now being completed.  Please pray for many new souls to be saved in this area.

As the apostle Paul said to the Philippian church, we also thank the Lord for every remembrance of you.