June 2022 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

We are excited at what the Lord is doing here and want to give Him all the praise. Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. Everything that happens in our ministry is fruit to your account.

We had a wonderful inaugural service for Iglesia Bautista La Victoria with over 150 people present.  The majority were from Pastor Alfredo’s church. Since then, we have had 10-12 in our services.  The Lord reminds us regularly that He will add to the church, and it is our job to be obedient and faithful.  Each Saturday six or seven of us meet at the church to pray and pass out tracts and invite our neighbors to church.  Please pray for fruit from these evangelization efforts.

Recently, Kari had a divine appointment at the grocery store with an employee she has been talking to for years. Sandra approached Kari and said “I want my son to go to your church.” Sandra shared that her 23 year old son “needs spiritual help” as he has attempted suicide three times. She is Mormon; and yet, she recognizes that he needs help her church hasn’t been able to give. Matias has come to church twice so far. Please pray that he will soon see that he needs a Savior and that is only found in the person of Jesus Christ.  We are also praying that Sandra will come and be saved as well.

Pastor Alfredo asked Jim to purchase a 15 passenger van from him that had been imported from the US and donated to the church. It was too small for his church’s needs and did not have the proper import documentation.  Some of our supporting churches generously gave for that purchase; and after SIX months of governmental red tape, we were able to pay the taxes and obtain the license plates and registration. This will be a blessing to our ministry, and it also allowed Alfredo to purchase a bigger vehicle for La Fortaleza.

A week ago, Jim had the honor of participating in the ordination service of Higinio Romero. He is the man that God has called to pastor the church plant in Caaguazu which is three hours away. Next Sunday afternoon, we will use the new van to take several people to the inauguration of the newly constructed building for Iglesia Bautista El Arca. It is exciting to see this church established with a Paraguayan pastor.  Please pray for Pastor Higinio and his family as they serve the Lord.

Your Missionaries to Paraguay,

Jim and Kari Showers