Dear Friends and Family,

Greetings from rainy Paraguay.  We have entered fall, and rain is forecasted for the next 10 days.  Rain can make life challenging due to many roof leaks and dangerous road conditions; however, after an extended drought, the rain is so needed.

Two Sundays ago, twenty people followed the Lord in baptism at Iglesia Bautista La Fortaleza.  What an honor for Jim to be able to baptize our Sophia.  Also, two of the ladies baptized were sisters that Kari and Mercedes (a member of La Fortaleza) had the privilege to lead to the Lord back in February during a Bible study in their home.  III John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth” is very real to us.

Only God!!! Those two words describe how we came to rent the building where we will start Iglesia Bautista La Victoria (Victory Baptist Church). This building housed a Baptist church started by American missionaries 40 years ago. Through the years it changed hands and became a Brethren church. The church has had no pastor for over 5 years. When the pandemic hit here, the congregation of 7-8 people began meeting via zoom and never reopened.

This building is less than a 1/2 mile from our home, and we have been praying for months that we would be able to rent it. On Saturday, a group from La Fortaleza helped us with a big work day as the church was not turn key ready, but there is still much cleaning to do. Yesterday a plumber fixed the bathrooms. Later this week a painter will come and paint inside the baptistery area. The auditorium needs painting, but some of the men will help do that to save on costs. A roofer will need to come as there are several leaks (very common with the tile roofs here). A street sign and a wooden cross for behind the baptistery have been commissioned. Tracts have been printed.

Our inaugural service will be Easter Sunday evening. Pastor Alfredo will bring as many of his people from La Fortaleza as want to come. We have much inviting and work to do. Please pray for us and for the start of this new work. It is scary, overwhelming, and super exciting all at the same time.